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Moving WX Message to a New Host

  • WX Message Server is configured and fully operational on existing Windows host

Backup existing host!

Prepare WX Message for transport

  1. Launch WX Message Server on current host
  2. Click File >> Export Settings
  3. Close WX Message Server
  4. Copy entire folder C:\Program Files\WxMesgNet to external drive
  5. Copy current server's installation files to external drive

Prepare new host

  1. Ensure you are using the exact version of previous server's installation media
  2. Install WX Message Server - DO NOT LAUNCH!!!
  3. Copy C:\Program Files\WxMesgNet from external drive to new host machine
  4. Launch WX Message Server
  5. Click File >> Import Settings

Verify configuration


Always keep a copy of ALL installation files and update files ON THE HOST COMPUTER! These will be needed in the future if a rebuild or relocation of WX Message is required.